New Orleans, Louisiana History: What Was a Casquette Girl?

Black Pansy

Cloaked, hooded, and carrying a trunk on her back that included a wedding dress, French girls were brought to Louisiana in the earliest years of 1700 to marry French Colonists. Because the Frenchmen were marrying Indian women, frowned on by their military officers, the French government believed the Casquette Canva Blue Violet Covergirls would prevent that. At first, it was just twenty young girls but the numbers grew to 500. Although the girls were protected by nuns who traveled along with them until they found proper husbands, their lives in France had not been as sheltered. The Casquette girls were recruited from prisons, brothels and orphanages.

Casque is a French word for a helmet on the head, without a face covering. During the Renaissance period and later, artists began designing and creating this headwear, many were very beautiful and show examples of fine artisanship.New Cover Black Lilac

Suellen Ocean is the author of the series, Civil War Era Romances. Available here:Thumbnail Front Cover ELLIE

Book One, Black Pansy:

Book Two, Blue Violet:

Book Three, Black Lilac:

Book Four, Ellie:

Rose Thorn CANVA CoverBook Five, Rose Thorn:

Book Six, Mississippi Wild Blue: THUMBNAIL CanvaCOVERMississippiWildBlue


Published by

Suellen Ocean

With a Bachelor of Arts degree from Sonoma State University, Suellen Ocean does her writing from the hills of Northern California. She began writing professionally for print and radio broadcasting in the late 1980's. Her first self-published book led to her becoming "officially" published, when in 1998 she was asked to participate in the anthology, "The Simple Life" through Berkley Books, New York. She is the author of sixteen books on diverse subjects.

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