Imagine Mixed-Race Love Affairs During the Civil War Era

First off, I was taught in college that there are no “races.” There’s only one. The human race. But you know what I mean by “mixed-race” love affairs. And during the Civil War? Love was a deadly game for those folks. But love was and is strong and enduring. Imagine having fear take a front row seat in your love affair but millions of people descend from lovers who risked their lives to be together. 

Suellen Ocean is the author of the Civil War Era Historic Romance, Black Pansy:

Genealogy… The Everlasting Beauty of the “Red Man”

Native Americans have beautiful colored skin. If you’re fortunate to have even a little Native ancestry, your skin may have a copper tone or that beautiful brown. When I look down at my bare feet, I recognize that little bit of reddish skin tone. It’s just a trace but it makes me smile, because no doubt, my ancestors walked a trail of tears or two, and I live as a testament to that history.

Suellen Ocean is the author of Secret Genealogy IV – Native Americans Hidden in Our Family Trees: