Native American Genealogy… Using the Dawe’s List

Of course, it’s easy to type your surnames into the Dawe’s search engine and see if anything comes up. Even though an ancestor wasn’t living in Indian Country at the time Dawe’s was taking his enumerations of Indians, I still might run the names. Scrolling through surnames is wise because you may have an ancestor named William who was listed as Willie. Being thorough is advised and it’s easy to copy and paste names from the list. Say for example, there are 80 names under the Brewer surname. You can copy and paste them into a document on your computer and match them up later.

Suellen Ocean is the author of Secret Genealogy IV – Native Americans Hidden in Our Family Trees:

Published by

Suellen Ocean

With a Bachelor of Arts degree from Sonoma State University, Suellen Ocean does her writing from the hills of Northern California. She began writing professionally for print and radio broadcasting in the late 1980's. Her first self-published book led to her becoming "officially" published, when in 1998 she was asked to participate in the anthology, "The Simple Life" through Berkley Books, New York. She is the author of sixteen books on diverse subjects.

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