The Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Princess Diana’s Death…

There are those who believe that Princess Diana’s death was not an accident. Conspiracy theories abound. There’s the belief that because she was associating with extremely powerful and wealthy Arabs, of whom the queen did not approve, she was assassinated. And there’s a belief that some nefarious Freemasonry cult used her as a symbolic sacrifice. If you need more detail on these conspiracies, you’ll have to google them. I read the former in a news magazine years ago and the latter came straight from someone’s mouth. I had a hard time understanding, but it had something to do with the royal family and being named after the ancient goddess. I’m not one to randomly believe hearsay, but I’ve always wondered what was the significance of Princess Diana’s name, so I read up on it.

The Greeks had a mythological goddess named Artemis. The Romans called her Diana. (Diana means goddess.) She was the daughter of Zeus and the sister of Apollo. She’s associated with hunting and you’ll see her with a bow and arrow. Diana… nature goddess… virgin goddess. And for women who worshipped her during childbirth, she was the moon-goddess. Artemis is even mentioned in the Bible and through the ages, who and what Artemis (Diana) was, grew distorted from the original Greek myth, even evoking human sacrifice. Thus the connection to the conspiracy that she was killed and that the tragic car accident in Paris was deliberate.

Suellen Ocean is the author of Secret Genealogy III From Jewish Anglo-Saxon Tribes to New France Acadians. Available here:

England’s Multi-Ethnic Royal Family

Looking into the tree of England’s Royal Family, you’ll see a European mix of ancestry and some Middle Eastern too. If you look carefully at one of Queen Elizabeth’s crowns, you’ll see the Maltese cross, symbolizing England’s historic ties to Germany. The Viking/Norwegian ancestry comes from William the Conqueror who invaded England back in 1066 and a pretty French girl may also play a part in this story.

Moving ahead in history, Henry VII hoped to bring Scottish ties to the family, so married his daughter Margaret, to the King of Scotland. Margaret is famously known as Mary Queen of Scots. This same Henry married his son Arthur to the Princess of Spain, Catherine of Aragon. There appear to be Jewish ties too, though they go back further into ancient history. I think it’s fair to say that like most of us, England’s Royal Family is multi-ethnic.

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Suellen Ocean is the author of Secret Genealogy III From Jewish Anglo-Saxon Tribes to New France Acadians. Available here:


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Secret Genealogy II:

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First off, the Goths overtook the Roman Empire. But who were they? They were an ancient people, usually characterized by their tall, blond appearance. The word Goth is also used to describe someone who is uncivilized or a barbarian. It’s a common phrase, “the Barbarians brought down the Roman Empire.” One could spend a lifetime trying to decipher the exact ethnic make-up of these Barbarian groups. These ancient Teutonics (loosely Germanic) were no doubt comprised of members of their local tribe, infused with descendants of slaves from the Roman Empire who could have come from various sections of the Empire, including the Mediterranean. Basically, historically, a Goth is used to describe Northern European Barbarians commonly associated with Scandinavia and Norway.

Suellen Ocean is the author of the historic novel The Celtic Prince Available here:


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Asia Minor, Anatolia, Middle Eastern Ancient Germans

Asia Minor and Anatolia are the same designation. It is the peninsula between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean and comprises the largest part of Turkey. Scholars believe Ancient Germans migrated from Northern Europe to Anatolia, assimilated with pre-Hittite tribes then later fought for territories in Egypt, Babylonia, Palestine, Syria, etc. Relations between the different tribes created early genetic diversity.

Suellen Ocean is the author of the historic novel The Celtic Prince Available here:

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The Moneylenders Who Began Britain’s Wall Street

Lombard Street is a lot like America’s Wall Street. Over 800 years ago the Lombards who settled there were moneylenders, giving this London area special historical significance. Who were the Lombards? Their original name, Langobardi may mean “men of the long axes”. The Lombards were members of ancient European Teutonic tribes, defined as tall and blonde and included many other northern European groups. In 568 the Lombards conquered Northern Italy, and contributed to the history of Moravia as it was there they became Arians adapting the doctrine that Christ was not the eternal Son of God nor of that essence. Northern Italy still bears their name, Lombardy.

Suellen Ocean is the author of Secret GenealogyA How-to for Tracing Ancient Jewish Ancestry, Secret Genealogy IIUncovering the Jewish Roots of Our Christian Ancestors and Secret Genealogy III From Jewish Anglo-Saxon Tribes to New France Acadians. Available here:

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Secret Genealogy II:

Secret Genealogy III:

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