Are You Hard of Hearing? Might Be Your Native American Genealogy

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that Native Americans suffer moderate to severe hearing problems two to four times more than non-Natives. Hard of hearing or ringing in your ears? It could be a small clue to add to your list if you’re searching for your ancestors and think that they might be Native American.

Suellen Ocean is the author of Secret Genealogy IV – Native Americans Hidden in Our Family Trees:

Genealogy Seems a Good Dementia Preventative

Doctors say that doing crossword puzzles helps keep our cognitive skills sharp. Pouring through family trees where four generations share the same name. Trying to read nineteenth century records written in cursive. Or trying to decipher the gender of a French name used by either or. Don’t all these tasks performed by genealogists require clear heads? Native American father and son names, Ti Ca Ni Sheh Lucas and Chu Cow Ta Toh Hek, remind us that genealogy takes a lot of head-scratching.

Suellen Ocean is the author of Secret Genealogy IV – Native Americans Hidden in Our Family Trees:

The Ancient Egyptians Prescribed Medicinal Marijuana

Over 3500 years ago, Egyptians wrote recipes on the walls of ancient temples and on the Ebers papyrus. One of the plants used for healing was cannabis. It’s not likely that marijuana will ever lose favor with humans. Moreover, it seems to be rising in popularity for a large variety of ailments, including arthritis, muscle spasms and anxiety.

Suellen Ocean is the author of Secret Genealogy VII – DNA, Jumping Into the Gene Pool. A High Tech Gathering of the Tribes